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发布日期:2025-01-04 14:46 点击次数:118
过度疲劳,你中了几条? 🤔️小作业: 1. According to the article, which is NOT listed as a symptom of burnout? A) Increased optimism about work. B) Cynicism related to one's job. C) Feelings of exhaustion. D) Poor performance at work. 2. What behavioral change does Dr. Rachel Morris suggest to help manage workplace stress? A) Work hours to complete all tasks. B) Ignore physical symptoms like headaches. C) Prioritize tasks and engage in enjoyable activities. D) Focus more on work to distract from personal issues. 无注释原文: Are you burning out? From: BBC Are you exhausted all the time, feeling cynical towards your work responsibilities and find the demands of your job overwhelming? You could be suffering from burnout - and you might be the last person to know it. The World Health Organisation has now officially recognised burnout as an occupational phenomenon, describing it as a "syndrome resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed". It is characterised by feelings of exhaustion, negativism or cynicism related to one's job and poor performance. However, it can be hard for people to understand what's wrong. "I think it's quite difficult to identify your own signs of burnout. People close to you, or managers, are very good at identifying it from the other side," says Dr Rachel Morris, a GP who, over 15 years, saw many patients who were ill because of workplace stress. She says patients suffering from burnout may become unsure of themselves, feel cynical, hopeless or detached, stop eating properly, and feel continually tired. They may also feel angry or resentful about work, or towards colleagues and friends. "When people start going off sick from work with back pain, gastroenteritis or migraines, often they might be burnt out," says Dr Morris. Not enough hours in a day Dr Rachel Morris has developed a programme to help with employees' well-being. "There are things we can all do to reduce our own risk of burnout," she says. "One is to boost our levels of resilience. This means we're able to respond to stress in a healthy way and can bounce back after challenges and grow stronger in the process." Morris says it's important to make time for activities that increase our sense of wellbeing, such as doing exercise, connecting with people or catching up on sleep. "When work becomes too demanding our natural reaction is to give up doing things we enjoy doing and we get sucked into the 'busyness vortex'", says Dr Morris. "It's really difficult to make massive changes, so people can start with small things, like go for a five-minute walk at lunch time or meet a friend for coffee." She says another problem is that people who are very stressed tend to focus on things they can't control. Focusing only on what they can control helps bring stress levels down - Dr Morris calls this the "zone of power". Prioritising, rather than cramming more and more into an already packed schedule, is also important, says Dr Morris. She has designed a grid to help employees distinguish between the important and the urgent tasks, and discard those which aren't relevant. - ◆ - 注:完整题目见本文开头;中文文本为BBC官方译文,仅供参考 含注释全文: Are you burning out? From: BBC Are youexhaustedall the time, feelingcynicaltowards your work responsibilities and find the demands of your joboverwhelming? You could be suffering fromburnout- and you might be the last person to know it. 如果你总是感觉疲惫不堪、对所承担的工作责任心存怀疑,并觉得工作压力让你手足无措,那你很可能患上了过度疲劳症。对,很多人可能对这种病态毫不了解。 exhausted exhausted /ɪɡˈzɔː.stɪd/ 表示“极其疲惫的;精疲力竭的”,英文解释为“extremely tired”举个🌰:Exhausted, they fell asleep. 他们精疲力尽,倒头就睡。 cynical cynical /ˈsɪnɪkl/ 1)表示“愤世嫉俗的;怀疑人之真诚的;认为人皆自私的”,英文解释为“believing that people are only interested in themselves and are not sincere”如:a cynical view/smile 愤世嫉俗的观点。 2)表示“利用他人感情的;损人利己的”,英文解释为“used to say that someone's feelings or emotions are used to your own advantage”。 3)表示“悲观的;怀疑的”,英文解释为“not believing that sth good will happen or that sth is important”举个🌰:I'm a bit cynical about the benefits of the plan. 我对这项计划的成效有点儿怀疑。 overwhelming overwhelming /ˌəʊ.vəˈwel.mɪŋ/ 1)表示“难以抵挡的;无法抗拒的;强悍而令人难以应对的”,英文解释为“difficult to fight against”举个🌰:She felt an overwhelming urge/desire/need to tell someone about what had happened. 她感到有一种抑制不住的冲动/欲望/需要想告诉别人所发生的事情。 2)表示“巨大的,极大的;(数量上)压倒性的”,英文解释为“You can use overwhelming to emphasize that an amount or quantity is much greater than other amounts or quantities.”举个🌰:An overwhelming majority has voted in favour of the proposal. 绝大多数的人投票赞成该提议。 📍词根“whelm”表示“淹没”,前缀“over-”表示“过度”。近义词:staggering(惊人的),同根词:whelm(淹没),常用短语:feel overwhelmed by something(被某事压垮) burnout burnout /ˈbɜrnˌɑʊt/ 表示“极度劳累;疲劳过度”,英文解释为“extreme tiredness usually caused by working too much”如:employees complaining of/suffering burn-out 抱怨/感到极度劳累的员工。 📍根据世界卫生组织,职业过劳(Occupational burnout)是一种由慢性工作压力导致的症候群,症状包含“精神耗尽、对工作的心理距离增加、对工作的负面感觉、以及工作效率的减少”。职业过劳不被归类为一种医学疾病。 📍动词短语:burn (yourself) out,疲惫不堪,精疲力竭。 The World Health Organisation has now officially recognised burnout as anoccupationalphenomenon, describing it as a "syndromeresulting fromchronicworkplace stress that has not been successfully managed". 世界卫生组织(WHO)已确认,过度劳累是一种职业病,定义为“长期面对工作压力却未能成功化解压力导致的慢性疲劳综合症”。 occupational occupational /ˌɒk.jəˈpeɪ.ʃən.əl/ 表示“职业的,工作的;由职业引起的”,英文解释为“relating to or caused by your job”举个🌰:Back problems are an occupational hazard (= a risk that you take in a job) for any desk-bound office worker. 在办公室伏案工作的人容易患背部疾病。 syndrome syndrome /ˈsɪndrəʊm/ 表示“综合征,征群,综合症状”,英文解释为“a combination of medical problems that shows the existence of a particular disease or mental condition” chronic chronic /ˈkrɒnɪk/ 1)表示“(疾病)慢性的,长期的”,英文解释为“a chronic disease or illness is one that continues for a long time and cannot be cured”,如:chronic arthritis表示“慢性关节炎”。 2)表示“(问题)长期的”,英文解释为“a chronic problem is one that continues for a long time and cannot easily be solved”。举个🌰:There is a chronic shortage of teachers. 长期存在师资短缺的问题。 3)还有一种解释是用来形容人“积习难改的”,如“长期酗酒/沉迷赌博等的人”我们就可以用chronic alcoholic/gambler表示。 It is characterised by feelings of exhaustion,negativismorcynicismrelated to one's job and poor performance. 慢性疲劳综合症的特点就是疲惫、消极或者因为工作表现不佳愤世嫉俗。 negativism negativism /ˈneɡ.ə.tɪ.vɪ.zəm/ 表示“消极主义”,英文解释为“the feeling of not expecting good things, or considering only the bad side of a situation”举个🌰:There's a real attitude of negativism among the team at the moment. 目前队里弥漫着一种不折不扣的消极情绪。 cynicism cynicism /ˈsɪn.ɪ.sɪ.zəm/ 表示“愤世嫉俗”,英文解释为“the belief that people are only interested in themselves and are not sincere”举个🌰:Such behaviour only bred cynicism about the business world. 这种行为只会催生对商业世界的冷嘲热讽。 However, it can be hard for people to understand what's wrong. 不过,要明白每个人究竟哪里出了问题,却并不是一件容易的事情。 "I think it's quite difficult to identify your own signs of burnout. People close to you, or managers, are very good at identifying it from the other side," says Dr Rachel Morris, aGPwho, over 15 years, saw many patients who were ill because of workplace stress. 莫里斯医生(Dr Rachel Morris)是有15年经验的家庭全科医生,她接诊过很多与工作压力有关的病人。“我认为一般人很难自己意识到过度疲劳。但是身边的人,如亲人、或者上司却很容易看到。” GP general practitioner的缩写,表示“(为特定区域居民提供医疗服务的)全科医生,普通医师”,英文解释为“abbreviation for general practitioner: a doctor who provides general medical treatment for people who live in a particular area”举个🌰:I went along to the local GP. 我去了本地全科医生那里看病。 She says patients suffering from burnout may become unsure of themselves, feel cynical, hopeless ordetached, stop eating properly, and feel continually tired. They may also feel angry orresentfulabout work, or towards colleagues and friends. 她说,患了慢性疲劳综合症的人可能对自己信心下降,感觉愤世嫉俗,毫无希望或者心灰意冷,不好好吃饭,总是觉得很累。他们也可能对工作或者同事、朋友怒气冲冲,牢骚满腹。 detached detached /dɪˈtætʃt/ 1)表示“分离的,分开的;拆下的”,英文解释为“separated”举个🌰:The label became detached from your parcel. 标签已经从你的包裹上掉下来了。 2)表示“认为与己无关的;毫不关心的,心不在焉的”,英文解释为“A detached person does not show any emotional involvement or interest in a situation.”举个🌰:She seemed a bit detached, as if her mind were on other things. 她似乎有些心不在焉,好像心思在别的事情上。 resentful resentful /rɪˈzent.fəl/ 表示“感到愤恨;不满;憎恶”,英文解释为“feeling angry because you have been forced to accept someone or something that you do not like”如:a resentful look 憎恶的眼神。 "When people start going off sick from work with back pain,gastroenteritisormigraines, often they might be burnt out," says Dr Morris. 莫里斯医生说:“如果有人开始因为背痛、肠胃炎或偏头痛经常请病假,通常他们可能是过度疲劳了。” gastroenteritis gastroenteritis /ˌɡæs.trəʊˌen.təˈraɪ.tɪs/ 表示“胃肠炎”,英文解释为“an illness that causes the stomach and bowels to become swollen and painful” migraine migraine /ˈmiː.ɡreɪn/ 表示“偏头痛”,英文解释为“severe continuous pain in the head, often with vomiting and difficulty in seeing”举个🌰:Do you suffer from migraines? 你患有偏头痛吗? Not enough hours in a day总是时间不够 Dr Rachel Morris has developed a programme to help with employees' well-being. 莫里斯医生研究出了一套办法,帮助雇员维护身心健康。 "There are things we can all do to reduce our own risk of burnout," she says. "One is toboostour levels ofresilience. This means we're able to respond to stress in a healthy way and canbounce backafter challenges and grow stronger in the process." 她说:“我们可以做一些事情减少过度疲劳的风险。其中之一就是提升自己的忍耐力。也就是说我们用健康的方式应对压力,遇到挫折还能恢复状态,在这个过程中让自己变得更加强大。” boost boost /buːst/ 可以作名词也可以作动词,表示“改善;提高;增强;推动”,英文解释为“to improve or increase something”举个🌰:The theatre managed to boost its audiences by cutting ticket prices. 剧院设法通过降低票价来增加观众数量。 📍“佩洛西有病还是先治病吧”文中提到be boosted,get boosted用来指打了加强针(疫苗),也有说booster shot/booster dose. resilience resilience /rɪˈzɪliəns/ 表示“快速恢复的能力;适应力”,英文解释为“the ability of people or things to feel better quickly after sth unpleasant, such as shock, injury, etc.” bounce back 表示“恢复;恢复元气;重振旗鼓”,英文解释为“to start to be successful again after a difficult period, for example after experiencing failure, loss of confidence, illness, or unhappiness”举个🌰:Stock prices bounced back after a steep plunge earlier this week. 股票价格在本周早些时候急剧下跌后又回弹了。 Morris says it's important to make time for activities that increase our sense of wellbeing, such as doing exercise, connecting with people or catching up on sleep. 莫里斯医生说,做一些能增进健康的活动极为重要,如运动、与外界保持联络,保持足够睡眠。 "When work becomes toodemandingour natural reaction is to give up doing things we enjoy doing and weget sucked intothe 'busynessvortex'", says Dr Morris. “当工作压力过大时,我们本能的反应就是放弃自己喜欢做的事情,结果就陷入了忙得焦头烂额的漩涡中。” demanding demanding /dɪˈmɑːn.dɪŋ/ 1)表示“费时费力的,耗费精力的”,英文解释为“needing a lot of time, attention, or energy”举个🌰:She's a very demanding child. 她是个特别不让人省心的孩子。 2)表示“要求极严的;苛求的;难满足的”,英文解释为“expecting a lot of work or attention from others; not easily satisfied”如:a demanding boss/child苛刻的老板;难满足的孩子。 get sucked into get/be sucked into 表示“被卷入(不快处境或坏事中)”,英文解释为“to cause someone or something to gradually become involved in an unpleasant situation or harmful activity”举个🌰:I really don't to get involved in this argument, but I can feel myself being sucked into it. 我根本就不想与整个争论有任何瓜葛,不过我能感觉到自己被牵扯了进去。 vortex vortex /ˈvɔː.teks/ 表示“旋涡;涡流”,英文解释为“a mass of air or water that spins around very fast and pulls objects into its empty centre”或者表示“(困境的)旋涡”,英文解释为“a dangerous or bad situation in which you become more and more involved and from which you cannot escape”举个🌰:I was sucked into a vortex of despair. 我被卷入了绝望的旋涡里。 "It's really difficult to make massive changes, so people can start with small things, like go for a five-minute walk at lunch time or meet a friend for coffee." “要想一下子彻底改变很难,但是可以从小处做起,比如午饭时间散步5分钟,或者约朋友喝杯咖啡。” She says another problem is that people who are very stressed tend to focus on things they can't control. Focusing only on what they can control helps bring stress levels down - Dr Morris calls this the "zone of power". 她说,另外一个问题是,压力大的人越容易专注自己无法控制的问题。把关注点放在可控的问题上能帮助减轻压力。莫里斯医生称之为掌控域。 Prioritising, rather thancrammingmore and more into an alreadypackedschedule, is also important, says Dr Morris. 另外,划出重点,而不是往已经非常繁忙的日程安排中继续塞进更多的事情,也很重要。 prioritise 美式 prioritize /praɪˈɒr.ɪ.taɪz/ 英式 prioritise 1)表示“按重要性排列;划分优先顺序”,英文解释为“to put tasks, problems, etc. in order of importance, so that you can deal with the most important first”举个🌰:You should make a list of all the jobs you have to do and prioritize them. 你应该把所有必须做的事都列出来,并按轻重缓急排个顺序。 2)表示“优先处理”,英文解释为“to treat sth as being more important than other things”举个🌰:The organization was formed to prioritize the needs of older people. 这个机构是为优先满足老年人的需要而成立的。 cram cram /kræm/ 1)表示“塞满;塞进;挤入”,英文解释为“to force a lot of things into a small space”举个🌰:Eight children were crammed into the back of the car. 8个孩子被塞进了汽车的后座。 2)表示“(考试前)死记硬背,突击学习”,英文解释为“to try to learn a lot very quickly before an exam”举个🌰:She's cramming for her history exam. 为应付历史考试她拼命突击。 3)表示“急匆匆地做(许多事)”,英文解释为“to do many things in a short period of time”举个🌰:I had to cram three countries into a week's business trip. 我出差一周跑了3个国家。 packed packed /pækt/ 表示“挤满的,拥挤的”,英文解释为“completely full”举个🌰:The train was so packed that I couldn't find a seat. 火车里挤满了人,我一个座位也找不到。 jam-packed /ˌdʒæmˈpækt/ 表示“挤得满满的,塞得紧紧的”,英文解释为“full of people or things that are pushed closely together”举个🌰:The streets were jam-packed with tourists. 街道被游客挤得水泄不通。 She has designed a grid to help employeesdistinguishbetween the important and the urgent tasks, anddiscardthose which aren't relevant. 她设计了一个网格帮助员工分清楚事情的主次轻重,这样才能集中注意力做好重要的紧急的事情,而忽略或者延迟处理次要的非紧急的事情。 distinguish distinguish /dɪˈstɪŋ.ɡwɪʃ/ 表示“区分,分辨;使有所区别”,英文解释为“to notice or understand the difference between two things, or to make one person or thing seem different from another”举个🌰:He's colour-blind and can't distinguish (the difference) between red and green easily. 他是色盲,很难分清红色和绿色(的不同)。 discard discard /dɪˈskɑːd/ 表示“丢弃;抛弃,扔掉”,英文解释为“If you discard something, you get rid of it because you no longer want it or need it.”举个🌰:Read the manufacturer's guidelines before discarding the box. 先阅读制造商的说明书再把盒子丢掉。 📺 美剧《黑名单》(The Blacklist)第一季中的台词提到:We use it once, and then we discard them. 我们用一次 就丢掉。 - 词汇盘点 - exhausted、 cynical、 overwhelming、 burnout、 occupational、 syndrome、 chronic、 negativism、 cynicism、 GP、 detached、 resentful、 gastroenteritis、 migraine、 boost、 resilience、 bounce back、 demanding、 get sucked into、 prioritise、 cram、 packed、 distinguish、 discard - 词汇助记 By ChatGPT - Exhausted and cynical, the GP faced occupational burnout. Chronic negativism turned her detached and resentful, plagued by migraines and gastroenteritis. Overwhelmed, she couldn't distinguish urgent from packed schedules. To boost resilience and bounce back from this demanding lifestyle, she learned to prioritize, discarding what got her sucked into the syndrome and cramming less. - 推荐阅读 - 写在九周年的话 为了这个合集,准备了39个月 「LearnAndRecord」2023年度盘点 有人听写吗?推荐练听力小程序 - END - LearnAndRecord 2015年2月8日 2024年4月20日 第3360天 每天持续行动学外语